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- Toohey Forest
- Toohey Forest Anim...
- Burton's Flap-foot...
- Bearded Dragon (Po...
- Striped Snake-eyed...
- Rugose Toadlet (Up...
- Robust Velvet Geck...
- Ornate Burrowing F...
- Naked Tree Frog (L...
- Lace Monitor (Vara...
- Koala (Phascolarct...
- Koala Adult (Phasc...
- Green Treefrog (Li...
- Emerald Spotted Tr...
- Eastern Water Drag...
- Eastern Water Drag...
- Eastern Striped Sk...
- Eastern Sedge-Frog...
- Common Brushtail P...
- Carpet Python (Mor...
- Toohey Forest Bird...
- Torresian Crow (Co...
- White-breasted Woo...
- Tawny Frogmouth (P...
- Tawny Frogmouth (P...
- Superb Fruit-Dove ...
- Sacred Kingfisher ...
- Pied Currawong (St...
- Noisy Miner (Manor...
- Noisy Miner (Manor...
- Lewin's Honeyeater...
- Lewin's Honeyeater...
- Green Figbird (Sph...
- Emerald Dove (Chal...
- Crimson Rosella (P...
- Crested Pigeon (Oc...
- Channel-billed Cuc...
- Australian Brush T...
- Australian Magpie ...
- Toohey Forest Inve...
- Toohey Forest Flor...
- Zig-zag Wattle (Ac...
- Wonga Vine (Pandor...
- Wombat Berry (Eust...
- West Path Toohey F...
- Termite Mound Engu...
- Quinine Tree (Peta...
- Queensland Hakea (...
- Pointed-Leaved Hov...
- Patersonia Lily (P...
- Mat Rush (Lomandra...
- Large-Leaf Hop Bus...
- Hairy Bush-pea (Pu...
- Grass Tree Family ...
- Everlasting Daisy ...
- Candlestick Banksi...
- Brisbane Wattle (A...
- Blue Trumpet (Brun...
- Toohey Forest Anim...

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Griffith University, Superb Fruit-Dove (Ptilinopus superbus). Griffith Archive, accessed 19/02/2025,